Brown Bag Strategy | Episode 1 | John Lewis & Partners
Introducing Brown Bag Strategy, Episode 1 Pilot…
The concept for this segment is to present strategic analysis in bite size video blog format, which is informative, thought provoking and if possible entertaining. The inspiration for this came from attending Scott Galloway’s Section4 ‘Prof G Strategy Sprint’ in October, 2020… as well as my personal love for hearing my own ideas outside of my head!
Section4 is a trailblazer for online education, taking on the professional/business education segment. I joined over 900 people (most of us paying $700… do the math) from a range of companies, backgrounds and locations around the world, for a 2 week ‘sprint’ comprising a range of pre-recorded video content, livestreams and facilitated workshops (via Zoom, obviously).
As expected the content was excellent and the final project required students to present strategic analysis and recommendations for a specific real company, using the T-Algorithm methodology; 8 attributes that make amazingly successful (valuable) companies.
I chose John Lewis & Partners, a UK department store, much beleaguered of late in face of the Amazon revolution. I had become intimately re-acquainted with John Lewis after buying an apartment in central London (hindsight is an amazing thing), so found myself making what felt like weekly trips to their homeware departments. My former life as the UK’s leading sofa salesperson coming back to haunt me.
Thank you to Section4 and my course colleagues for your support and feedback. I’ve recorded an updated version of my project case study for public consumption, with some of the key concepts explained for easier digestion.
PS: links to some of the name dropped companies below.
PPS: If you would like to suggest companies to be features or would like to participate, get in touch!